
Showing posts from May, 2018
Berlin's Banning The Use of Religious Clothing by Public Servants       A primary school teacher in Berlin is fighting for her right to be able to wear her headscarf to work and practice her religion. A German judge ruled that public servants such as teachers, police officers, and court officials should not show religion in public on that extent. They deemed this law to be constitutional even though three years ago they reversed the same laws because the constitutional court ruled the unconstitutional. 
Trump Ambassador In Germany Causes Diplomatic Scandal  A representative of President Trump visited Germany and met with other foreign ambassadors from around the world in Germany on May 10th 2018. This "diplomatic scandal" came just days after President Trump pulled out of the Iran deal that will drastically change the future of America and the future for the rest of the NATO nations. The German ambassador said that President Trump's sanctions will target crucial sectors of Iran's economy. I believe that this is to potentially "choke" Iran to rethink the Iran Deal and President Trump is putting the choke on Iran's economy to make them rethink the terms of the deal. Doing this will obviously impact not just Iran but other companies operating overseas in Iran. 

German Rappers Charged With Hate Speech

Kollegah and Farid Bang's are notorious rappers in Germany who have been using some less than acceptable language in their songs. "Commit another Holocaust" is one line from their lyrics, and it is really unacceptable. They are being charged with hate speech because of the offensive language in their songs. This is bad for international business because when people read a story like this they will be less inclined to buy their music. The duo won the Echo awards for music, and it was scrapped after the German media associated their lyrics with holocaust survivors. website: