Police Storm German Porsche Manufacturer

Police Storm German Porsche Manufacturer

             Stuttgart Germany police raid the offices of the Porsche manufacturer based on widening inquiry into diesel emissions cheating centered on the parent company, Volkswagen. The article that I found states that police have started investigating whether the newly appointed chief executive of the company is going to be cleaning out the employees who have been hiding the facts that they have been overloading the diesel emissions into the environment. This is not a new thing, I can think of quite a few companies who have been in this same dilemma, and it is mainly tied to the profits of the company. It is sad to me that people would be willingly killing the environment just to make the company more money. However, it is good to see that the police are cracking down on enforcing the rules against these crimes.


  1. You are absolutely right, its so sad how money seems to control everything. As a chief executive it is his responsibility to take the correct precautions when something like this occurs.

  2. Thanks for the response Jesse. I agree that it is on the CEO to make the right choices for the company.

  3. Great blog post! I agree with you that it is so sad that people are hurting the environment just to make more money. I wish people would understand that we only get one Earth and we need to start protecting it. Money will make people do crazy things sometimes though. I also agree that it is good to see that police are starting to enforce the rules more.

  4. It's interesting that the government leaves this kind of testing up to the businesses. There aren't that many car manufacturers. It seems like the government might have an easier time ensuring that companies are following the laws if they set up their own testing system, similar to the DMV emissions testing in california.

  5. It is very interesting to hear that such a well known luxury brand of cars has to resort to emissions cheating. Its also in poor taste to make profits on the environmental pollution, but is a common practice. Its difficult to punish companies that part take in excessive environmental pollution, so it is refreshing to hear law enforcement tightening the collar on a well know company in the automotive industry.


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